Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What does gWooKi stand for? by Jorge Aguirre

My name is Jorge Aguirre. I'm a multimedia/tattoo artist and I go by Jorge A gWooKi. I frequently get questions of how to pronounce this name or what does it mean... here are the answers. 
gWooKi's pronunciation is almost like a silent "g",  as the pronunciation of the metal band GWAR.
 The "g" in gWooKi comes from my very first nick name given to me by my Mom when I was a little kid, "Guayo". The "W" is my favorite letter from my old street graffiti name, "Down". The "W" also represents my broken incisor teeth that I had when I was ten years old. I grabbed "ooki" from, "Spooky", the first nick name I got in the United States. Altogether "gWooKi" sounds like Wookie, a brown, hairy creature from Starwars, and it just so happens that I am a brown, hairy creature as well!

I have related to monsters since my early years. "GWOO" (with the proper vocalization) reminds me of the sound a monster would make when excited and "Ki"  in martial arts refers to life or energy.
gwoo + ki = monster's energy.
Also "gW" in gWooKi comes from GWAR! One of my first memories of being fully inspired to produce art was after I saw GWAR in a tattoo magazine in my early teens.

It was a life changing experience.  I felt so related to them and they made me feel more comfortable of who I am. The master mind behind GWAR is the Maggot Master, Dave Brockie, whose last name happens to rhyme with Wookie and gWooKi...

For contact or more information about me and my work visit www.gwooki.com or www.texasbodyart.com

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